9/11: Why be so afraid of the M-word?

By Peter Mullen
(CONSERVATIVE WOMAN) WHEN, 20 years ago, Muslim fanatics flew passenger aircraft into New York’s Twin Towers, the BBC reported that the perpetrators were ‘terrorists’. All the newspapers agreed that terrorists were to blame, as they always do when there is mass murder on our streets orn Aldgate tube station or on London Bridge. Or again, sometimes these terrorists are described as ‘extremists’ or ‘gunmen’ or ‘men armed with knives’.
Why can’t we tell the truth that such murderous attacks are being perpetrated by Muslims and that they are always proud to claim that their atrocities are committed in the name of Islam? Why don’t we call them by their proper name – the name by which they themselves wish to be called? They wouldn’t complain if we did this. In fact, they would regard it as good publicity for their cause.
If marauding tribes of Yorkshiremen descended on Hampstead and Islington, indulging in wholesale slaughter while singing On Ilkla Moor Baht ’At and waving pictures of Freddie Trueman, even the coy BBC wouldn’t describe them as terrorists, gunmen and men armed with knives; they would say, ‘It’s those barbaric Yorkies yet again!’