Muqaddas Ejaz is one of the young leaders rising to prominence in the growing community of American Muslims in South Jersey
by Kevin Riordan
(INQUIRER) A word common to Arabic, Persian, and Urdu — three of the languages Muqqadas Ejaz uses in addition to English — aptly describes her mission. The word is muhsen, and it means “doing good.”
Muhsen also is the name of one of the half-dozen local and national American Muslim organizations to which Ejaz — an advocate, volunteer, and networker extraordinaire — devotes her time and her formidable people skills.
“In my head, I have a formula for life,” Ejaz, 37, said in an interview at GCLEA (Gracious Center for Learning and Enrichment), a mosque in Cherry Hill. She lives in the township with her husband, Umair Chaudhry, a software engineer, and their daughter, Anaya, 7.
“You create opportunities for others, and God creates opportunities for you,” said Ejaz.
From helping out with everything from vaccinations to voter registration, she said, “I grab any opportunity I can to benefit the community.”
Known as “Mookie” to friends and associates — 150 of whom attended a July 7 event to celebrate her election to the Camden County Democratic Committee — Ejaz “is a doer,” said Fozia Janjua, the first American Muslim to serveon the Mount Laurel township council.