Staff Writer | May 7, 2024 1:30 AM
MOSES LAKE — The former church building at Third Avenue and Elm Street is once again a house of worship, as the Moses Lake Islamic Center.
“In central Washington state there (were) only three mosques, in Yakima, Tri-Cities and Spokane,” said Abdelnasir Elmalik, one of the regular congregants at the Islamic Center. “But now we have two (more), in Wenatchee and Moses Lake.”
The building was originally a Mennonite church in Ritzville, said Gail Adair, who owns the building with her husband Steve. It was moved around 1950 to its present location. It belonged at one time to the Reorganized Church of Latter-day Saints, now known as the Community of Christ, and served as a community theater for a few years. The Adairs bought it in about 2017.
“We drove by it one day and I don’t know, we just kind of fell in love with it, I guess,” she said.