Muslim leaders call upon ISNA to end its partnership with AJC

By News Desk

(SIASAT) We, the undersigned Muslim activists, organizers, and scholars, write to call upon our brothers and sisters at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) to end their partnership with the American Jewish Committee (AJC), an Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian organization that has caused untold harm to Muslim Americans and Muslims around the world.

Among other things, the AJC has praised anti-Muslim bigots like Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson and Ayaan Hirsi Ali; since 2018, it has smeared Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and other Muslim Americans who support Palestinian freedom, spread Islamophobic tropes (including blaming the Quran for anti-Semitism), and repeatedly defended war crimes committed by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people, including recent attacks on Gaza that killed over 200 Palestinians, including at least 60 children.

Despite this long history of anti-Muslim bigotry and anti-Palestinian advocacy, ISNA partnered with the AJC in 2016 to establish a national Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council (MJAC). Since then, the AJC has continued to spread Islamophobia and justify the murder of Palestinians while using the pretense of “interfaith dialogue” with ISNA to obscure its true identity as a harmful and hateful anti-Muslim organization.

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