Muslim Students Walk out of Udupi College After Authorities ban Hijab

At least 20 Muslim students walked out of G Shankar Women’s First Grade College and PG Study Centre in Udupi City after they were barred from entering the college campus wearing Hijab. Students claim there was no prior information from the college authorities on the new dress code.
Students said that since their colleges earlier allowed them to wear hijab, they should continue to do so. They had said that wearing the hijab was integral to their religion and they would continue to wear it till there is a final order from the court. Following the showdown, students left the campus, alleging the college authorities turned a deaf ear to all their pleas.
We never had a dress code earlier. All of us were allowed to wear Hijab earlier but the sudden U-turn by the college has shocked us. We would not enter the college unless they allow us to wear Hijab. The Karnataka HC interim order clearly says colleges with prior dress code norms can bar students from wearing any religious attire. But my college never had these rules because we don’t have a college development committee