Mental HealthWorld

Muslims face a suicide crisis in America. The taboo of talking about it must end.

Muslim communities seem finally to be waking up to the reality of mental illness and the acute need to address it.
By Rania Awaad and Taimur Kouser Opinion contributors

(USA TODAY) If you or someone you know is having serious thoughts of suicide, please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Sana was gripped with fear. Her mind raced as she debated whether Allah would forgive her for being so ungrateful. She became certain that her newborn and toddler would be better off without her, a mother who couldn’t bond with her children.

The thoughts surprised her. Sana considered herself religious and was aware that suicide is forbidden in Islam. But it seemed like the only solution.

Her characteristically joyful personality had given way to uncontrollable feelings of guilt, despair and hypocrisy. Here she was, a lawyer and teacher of the Islamic sciences, considering suicide.

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