Muslims suffer from hate speeches, physical attacks and Islamophobia in India

(KMS NEWS) Islamabad, January 02 (KMS): Rising wave of hate crimes against Muslims is being witnessed in Modi’s India as Muslims suffer from hate speeches, physical attacks and Islamophobia in the country.
A report released by Kashmir Media Service said, today, said that recently Hindu leaders called for genocide of Muslims at hate speech conclave in Haridwar, adding attacks by Hindu extremists against Muslims and other minorities have intensified under Modi-led fascist Indian government.
It said, hate speeches, crimes against Muslims and other minorities are motivated by Hindutva ideology. The RSS-BJP leaders are using hate speeches to demonize Muslims and other minorities in India, it deplored.
The report said, discriminatory measures against Muslims are clear manifestations of Islamophobia in India as Hindu religious leaders are asking Hindus to take up arms against Muslims.